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The Benefits of Practicing Yoga

yoga class melbourne cbd
Yoga in Melbourne CBD

Yoga has taken over the fitness world as an accessible form of exercise and wellness. You do not need any special equipment, just your body, accurate knowledge/ guidance and willingness. This ancient form involves meditation and mindfulness along with varied postures that together, instil a sense of peace as well as the following benefits:

Mental Clarity, Concentration & Calm


The complexity of the instructions in yoga, eventually instil a sense of increased concentration and follow through. Yoga allows you to be aware of your body in great detail and in turn afford the same level of detail to your work. This calm and confidence also reduces anxiety.


Aids in sleep

The strain required to take up some postures eventually wear out your joints and tire you out, you in turn get good sleep while your muscles readjust and recover.

Reducing Stress, Anxiety & Depression

Seutter (2019), explains that in a 2018 study in the Journal of Preventive Medicine, the authors concluded that "yoga has an effective role in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression [and] that [it] can be considered as complementary medicine" to medical treatment thus reducing the "medical cost per treatment by reducing the use of drugs".

melbourne yoga class
Yoga in Melbourne CBD

Increases your fitness levels

Due to the various changes in flow of body motion, positions and stretches, yoga allows you to exert pressure and extend yourself in ways your body may not have to encounter on a regular basis.

As a result you end up improving your flexibility, breathing and lowering blood pressure, which in turn helps in the management of high blood pressure related ailments such as heart diseases.

Weight Management

Different yoga styles target different desires. When it comes to weight, your choice in the style of yoga can encourage weight gain or help one trim a little weight, it depends on what you are after.

This is made possible as yoga improves basic bodily functions like digestion and circulation and as such can assist in relieving problems like bloating, gas and acidity among others. A good yoga session on the regular also encourages balanced eating habits due to food as fuel mentality rather than emotional eating.

At Pure Wellness Studio, we offer yoga class every Monday night 6-7pm with our resident yogi Kelvin.


Seutter, T. (2019, January 1). Good Health: Yoga Benefits Mind And Body. Retrieved from

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