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How to Stay Motivated in Winter

Image via @_lauraberger_

Baby it’s cold outside! We’re halfway through June now, which means the days are getting colder and the nights are getting longer. It’s the time for hot chocolates, turtlenecks and a million new, fluffy throws. It sure doesn’t feel like the right time to brave the storm and go for a run. So how do you motivate yourself to exercise when all you want to do is settle on the couch with a glass of mulled wine and your favourite Netflix show? Here's how!

Wear the right clothes

Use this as an excuse to hit up Lululemon if you must - it's a lot easier to brave the cold when you can’t feel it! We’re talking thermals, fleece leggings, gloves, the whole shebang. Personal trainer and fitness blogger Zanna Van Dijk says "there is no such thing as bad weather, there are just bad clothing choices… It makes outdoor training much more comfortable and reduces the risk of catching a chill."

Change It Up

Variety is the spice of life! Don’t let yourself get bored with your routine. By changing it up every now and again you can hold onto the excitement of doing something new. Try a new class, head to a new gym, hike in a new outdoors spot. Keep it fresh!

Find a Friend

It’s so much easier to flake on yourself than to let down a friend. Team up with a mate (or five!) and workout together. Whether you’re going for a run, heading to the gym, or trying out Zumba, exercise is more fun with friends.

Set a Fitness Goal

Set goals for yourself! This is a cliché piece of advice but for a good reason. Write them down, scream them from the rooftops. Make it specific, make it achievable, and hold yourself accountable. Research studies show that you are more likely to achieve your goal if you write it down and/or tell others about it.

Reward Yourself

Dangle a carrot in front of your goals and reward yourself once you’ve achieved them. We love to reward ourselves in ways that keep us on track with our fitness - like having a sweat session in our infrared saunas. A session in one of these babies is not only relaxing, but has a myriad of healthy benefits such as improved blood circulation, weight loss and heightened cardiovascular fitness.

Book your first session via our website and discover why we love rewarding ourselves with MORE SWEAT.

If you're a first timer, our 'Buy Three, Get One Free' offer is a great opportunity to test out our different cabins.



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